When talking about music, a santri’s culture is to play Marawis and Hadroh, the two performances wing exotic instruments like kaprak, hajir, markis, darbuka and the vocal. That’s why at 19th and 20th of October, the Education Section and the Art Section held and event called “Festival Seni Islami” or “Islamic Art Festival” (FSI). This yearly event took place in Sports Building. There are three main competitions collaborating with music: Marawis, Hadroh and Nasyid. Each grade from seventh to eleventh and intensive showed three of their best performances.
Brother Muhibuddin, the Chief of the Event brought Rasulullah’s hadith:
إن الله جميل يحب الجمال
Meaning: Allah is Beautiful and loves Beauty.
The Winners of this years FSI are mentioned below:
1st place: Grade Three
2nd place: Grade One
Juara 3: Grade Intensive
1st place: Grade Five
2nd place: Grade Intensive
3rd place: Grade Four
1st place: Grade Five
2nd place: Grade Four
3rd place: Grade Three
The Best Vocalist:
Zaki Mubarok (Grade Three)
Avincena (Grade Five)
News reported by Mumtaz Cikal (Grade Four)